Friday, July 29, 2011

The Wrong Trousers

There were two frinds lived togather happy life. Suddenly their life was changing.

A new residente come to living with them. He was a bad person. He was a thife. The

penguin used Wallace to stole big dimond from the museum by Letting him wear the

electric trouser. Wallase was changing his way with Gromit. He did not care a bout him.

Gromit was very sad. And he was Leaving the home but he still was watching his best

friend from a distance. One night the penguin made his plann and stole the big dimond

from the museum. But the police caught him at suited time.

I was intersted that many events were like it is in real life. The morie shows that

we shouldn't trust strange people. We need to keep our true frinds.

Last Year

Last year, I worked in Arab National Bank. My daily routine was busy.

I work up at 6 AM. Next, I'd take a shower. Then I would take a short drive

to work. I helped customers with their banking needs. I supervised employees.

At the end of the day, I helped my father in his store. Next, I mould buy a meal

for my family. Finally, my day ended with a meal with my family at home.

Grammar Review for the Final Exam

Click on these links for grammar practice! 

Am, Is or Are

The verb: To be

Subjects and Verbs

Subjects and Verbs

Verb Form 

Scrambled Sentences

Question Words




Subject / Verb agreement:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Important Day

Read these instructions first. Then ask questions!
  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Type your paragraph about an important day in your life.
    • 10 sentences
    • Topic Sentence
    • Supporting Sentences 
    • Concluding Sentence
    • Transitions
    • Past Tense (Simple and Progressive)
  3. Format your work:
    • 12 point font, Times New Roman or Arial
    • double-space
    • 1 inch / 2.5cm margins
    • TAB indent
    • Name, Class, Date in the upper left corner
  4. Save your work as a Word file.
  5. Send your file as an attachment to
Extra Time: Online Grammar Practice

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Mr.Bean pulled out a big loaf of bread.Next,he pulled out of butter.Then he dried his lettuce in his aock.
He killed a fish and put it on his sandwich. Finally,he looked at a man on the bench sitting close to him. This man had watched the whole thing. He offered Mr.Bean his sandwich.After all that he sneezed and the a sandwich flew on the floor. The man gave Mr. Bean on half of his sandwich. Mr.Bean is crazy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Second Draft: Mr. Bean paragraph

Read these instructions first. Then ask questions!
  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Copy and paste your Mr. Bean paragraph into Word.
  3. Correct any format problems.
  4. Read my comments.
  5. Write the second draft with improvements.
  6. Save your work as a Word file.
  7. Send your file as an attachment to
Extra Time: Online Grammar Practice

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Fahad Abu Hetlah

Mr, Bean  saw  a man sitting next to him and he eat his sandwich . Then Mr, Bean  out a bread from his pocket  and broken it in to pieces with scissors. Also he out from  his pocket a piece of butter. Mr. Bean used his card to  wipe the bread with the butter. After that he Washed the lettuce and put it in his sock. Then he got out two fish from   the bottle and hit them in the  chair. He extend a piece of cloth ,then he put some spices in the cloth and beat it by   his shoe . Mr. Bean made sandwich, but he lost it .

Yoshiaki Inamura.

Mr,Bean is a funny person.
He wanted to make a sandwich , but he failed in making it, becouse he don,t knew to make it.
If he knew to make it verry strange, but he is a well knewn comedian, so verry funny man.

Friday, July 15, 2011


I saw Mr.Bean. He was a crazy man. He wanted to make a sandwich. First he took the bread and then with scissors cut  the bread. Second he put lettuce in his sock to dry it and killed fish for his sandwich. Third he smiled widely then sneezed and blew his nose. Finally the man sitting with Mr.Bean gave him a sandwich.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Multi usage with Mr.Bean

In a sunny day Mr.Bean had a seat in a great garden beside a gentleman who was eating his dilicious sandwich . In a few minutes Mr.Bean srarted to make his breakfast . Next he began to take stuff out his coat . He was wearing it. All the stuff were multi usage . He used a scissor to cut the bread . He used the bank card to grease the bread . He used the hot water bottle as a cup of tea . Meanwile the gentleman was chuckled . Finaly about to eat his sandwich he had a sneeze and every thing spilled .

Mr. Bean--Sandwich Making

First, Mr. Bean sat on the bench. Second, he saw the man. Third, the man ate his sandwich. Fourth, Mr. Bean wanted to make a sandwich. Fifth, Mr. Bean had bread and put his bread on his knees. Sixth, Mr.Bean cut his bread. Seventh, Mr. Bean threw a piece of his bread in the a trash. Eighth, Mr.Bean had cheese in his T.shirt then put the cheese on his knees. Ninth, Mr. Bean had credit card and he used the card to cut the cheese and put the cheese in the bread. Tenth, Mr.Bean had lettuce in his pocket. Eleventh, Mr. Bean put the lettuce in his sock and he put water in his sock too. He did this so he could wash the lettuce. After that he put his lettuce in the bread. Twelfth, Mr. Bean had two fishes in his T shirt. He put the fishes in the bread then he had some pepper corns on the chair. With his shoe, he hit the pepper corns because he wanted small pepper. Thirteenth, Mr. Bean put the pepper in his bread then he looked at the man sitting next to him on the bench . Fourteenth, the man had tea. Fifteenth, Mr.Bean wanted tea the same as the man. Sixteenth, Mr.Bean had a tea bag, water and milk in his pockets. Mr. Bean mixed those in his mouth. The sandwich is ready to eat. After all that he sneezed and the sandwich flew down on the floor. The man gave Mr.Bean one half of his sandwich. (Mr.Bean is crazy)


I saw a funny video for Mr.Bean, about Sandwich making. First, Mr.Bean was in the garden. He set beside someone ate sandwich. Second, Mr.Bean saw the man and his eyes looked to the sandwich several times. It was delicious. Third, Mr.Bean jealous from the man, and he decided to made a sandwich. Next, he started to made a delicious sandwich. He had a beautiful jacket. it was like a deep freeze. Then, he removed the bread with the scissors to cut the bread. At the same time, the man looked to Mr.Bean. Later, Mr.Bean finished his sandwich. Last, he was ready to ate the sandwich, but unfortunately the sandwich fell from his hand because he sneeze. Finally, the man was very generous because he gave Mr.Bean a new sandwich.

Vanessa's Paragraph

      Mr. Bean wanted to eat. He hed ingredients for do sandwich. He dried leuce in your half. It's was gross!
The man in your next was amazed. "That crazy man!".
He was eating and was used sandwich, water and cheese. He was used fish, fly and drinkmilk with tea. was somone right eat brak fast he was used braed, tommeto and eggs. he was drinktea. Then give Mr, Bean some of bread, tommeto and eggs. Was Mr. Bean very happy beacuse pepole give some of eat. but pepole was angree becuse he did it. Mr. bean he like eat and drink milk with tea . He watch pepole eat break fast . Mr. bean he was plan get of pepole eat . Get Mr. bean eat of pepole.

Mr Bean-Sandwich making

       First of all,two pepople were together in a park,one person ate breakfast by 1.50 minituse ,another

interesting .Second ,another person tooks a big bread ,half of bread was threw trash. Then ,he tooks other

food,that i looked  each person was angryed  .He continue do ones's thing of making breakfast.When he

planed to ate food ,He destroyed food and Trouble dirty clother.that but he friends  initivated gave paper. 
 In conclusion .We should be able to share. 

Mr. Bean

First, Mr. Bean saw man.
He ate sandwich. Mr.Bean seemed envy. So he made sandwich!
after made sandwich, he saw man. He drank coffee.
Second, Mr.Bean made coffee but he sneezed so dropped his sandwich.
Finally man gave a another sandwich.

Mr Bean

First, Mr Bean was crazy man. He needed to cook a breakfast in garden.He wore coat of majec.Then they in his coat some butter,bread,lettuce,fish and pepper.I thought is mr Bean was crazy. Mr Bean sneezed and spoiled his breakfast.Finally, he neighbor gave him some sandwich.

abu_saud Ahmad

First, he was looking food and cut the bread with scissors. Second,he ate frish fish. Third,he cut cheese. Last,he useed hot water bottle for tee. Finally, anther friend gave him sandwich cheese.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Telling Stories

Watch this video: Mr. Bean--Sandwich Making
  • Use the transition words for time order.
  • Use a dictionary or translator for important vocabulary.
  • Use past tense verbs.
  • Write a paragraph (5-7 sentences) to tell the story of this video.
  • Publish your paragraph in a new post!

 Go to this website: Story Maker
  • Click on "next" to begin.
  • Choose the words to make the story.
  • Read the story you made!
Go to this website: The Bus Story
  • Listen to and read the story.
  • Click on "Quiz" to answer the questions.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Last Year

Last year I had a good year because I was in high school with my friends. I was happy because my family was close to my and all my friends around me. I can easily visit my friends and my family. I love my family very much and I visit my family and my friends every weekend. Every month we go to the beach with my family. in march, I came to America and I am happy, because I need to study.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

last year

I was in Tibet. I didn't eat vegetables. Because we do not have kind of vegetable food. My mother didn't make food from vegetables. Because she never saw any vegetables. We had two kinds of  meat. It was from yak and sheep.  That meat is very delicious.

Last year

Last year, l living from Riyadh.I was graduated Bachelor of Business Administration.I was eat with my famile or friends.I weak up morning.I was my car chevrolet.I visited Lebanon.

Look who's in the news!

Our classmate, Cairangdaoji, was in the Arizona Star today!

Follow this link to read the article:

My routine last year

In the beginning of the last year I was back home in Saudi Arabia. I was too depressed
and pessimistic becouse I didn't have anything to do .I didn't find a suitable job that made me frustrated. In the end of the last year I got a scholarship that made a huge change in my life that renewed my hope.

MY regular routine every day

 I worke up in the morning . I was taking a shower and then I prayed.
 I went to work after I fineshed , came back home.
 I was lunch with family. We was Watching TV .
 at mid night, I went to bed I was sleeping

fahad abuhetlah

last year1

I was in Tibet. I didn't eat vegetables. Because we do not have kind of vegetable food. My mother didn't make food from vegetables. Because she never saw any vegetables. We had two kinds of  meat. It was from yak and sheep.  That meat is very delicious.

Last year

     In China ,one day I with my family together watched Tv  last year.Suddenly I want with my

mother went to travel. Next we bought a car and we driverd car to  BEI JING. You knew, I

enjoyed travel.

My Routine

Last year I had a good routine. First, I woke up at 6:00 am. Second, I took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth. Next I ate breakfast. I went to King Saud Uiversity (KSU).After that I returned at 5:00 pm . I ate lunch .Then I took a nap . Next I studied my homework . Finally I went to bed at 12:00.

last year

I received the graed and worked and I told my mother and my father and happy togather.The party stayed in this day and was one of the most beautiful of my days participated in this day my friends and happy togather with me. After the party,the father and gave presents on the occasion of my success.I got gread with honrs exellent and looked it was a night to forget.Then I Thought about where to go America and took the university of Arizona.

Last year!

I lived Korea in Inje. Last year, I was a soldier.
My mission was driving for the General. I visited the dividing line because my boss had meeting with another general. I saw the North Korean people. It was interesting in dividing line.


6/30/10 last years,My wife and I came to U.S.U .I was waiting in D.C.that day.Aftar that I went to Denver.

Denver was verey interesting.I lived in Denver for six months.Aftar that I went to Tucson.Tucson was verey nice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Online Listening Practice and Writing

Go to:

Next, click on Audio Slide Show and On to hear and read the conversation. 
After you listen, try the Quizzes for extra practice.
Finally, write 5 to 7 sentences in a paragraph about your routine last year and use the past tense!
Post your paragraph on the class blog.
After you finish your writing, follow these links for grammar practice.
Grammar Practice:

Subject / Verb agreement:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hi every body

Dear my friends
I have some words , it is good when you use it in you're writing .
1-On one hand .
2- On the other hand .
3-Addition to that.
4-Above all.
5- At the same time .
i like it ^_^

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mingfu Han

  Wallace and  Gromit : The wrong Trousers

   In the story, I  want use five Interrogative what ,how when  and where why  to describe what happened .At first Wallace gets to  penguin home it wants to use  penguin to get the diamond  with the remote control Controlled process wrong Trousers are being controlled by the penguin. Whatever penguin has a clever friends of gromit . It's smart to use it to pay the bad guys and eventually regain the friendship.
   I like to watch movies, as a good film can cultivate people's sentimentsIf people boredom can also pass the timeThere are many benefits. So I do like  it .

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wallac and Gromit

In wednsday, Gromit (dog) make breakfast for Wallace (his friend). Gromit brougt the mail messages for Wallace. Wallace opened his mail messages.One of the mail has bell. Wallace was surprised about the bell because he doesn't have more mony. he thought and thougt how to get more mony .Then he decided to rent one room from his house. The renter was Penguin (animal). Wallace and Gromit saied welcome to Penguin .First two days The Pengin was polite and assistant in the work of house . The penguin has a black list ,but Wallace and his friend do not know about that . In third day the penguin started his plan to steal the dimond.Penguin's plane is control of robot man by remot control and Wallace inside it .Penguin takes Wallace to musume and steal the dimond from Musume. When them back to home Gromit threatened Penguin and become big problem but in the end Wallace and his dog wins.Wallace and Gromit take Penguin to the zoo .

I like this move because it has many advantages and dis advantages.

Friday, June 24, 2011


I was the wrong trousers .    In this story the charactors are Wallace,  Gromit and Penguin.     The Gromit and Penguin are live in the Wallace house. They also played him money . The Wallace isn't intelligent and good man. Because his first friend is Gromit , but he love the second friend . The second friend isn't good friend . It is very bad . Then his first friend is gone , because he doesn't happy with they are . But the Wallace isn't understand why Gromit is gone . He isn't worry Gromit . The second he is friend is very bad . He wanted take from building the diamond . But he can't do that . Because Gromit and Wallace together come back to fight him and take him  go to prison .  I don't like this movie , because in my mind that man is very very selfish . He doesn't worry his friend<Gromit>.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Siback Ro

1. Paragraph.

Wallace and Gromit live a house in England. One day Penguin lives together. Gromit doesn't like him and Gromit know his criminal!
He want diamond. So he used Wallace and trousers robot. but Gromit catched Penguin and Wallace and Gromit are so happy.

2. Paragraph.
I like the video because It's fun!
If you have many free time, So boring..... see a video.
You can feel time goes very fast!


1/ Bird of the beautiful.
2/ Bird with colors and shapes.
3/ They lives for a specified period not exceeding 15 years.
4/ They living in trees.
5/ These birds can fly 25 or more miles to find water.

saeed alderei

Yesterday I watched a story in the video.I watched penguin, man and small dog.The penguin is dangerous and thievish. The man is sleeping. The small dog is afraid, because the penguin is take a diamond.The cromit helped wallace.

I like the story because interesting for me.

mohammed alangari

I see intelligent dog.He is cooking a breakfast,talk like a human and he read a newspapers.
The man he need a money.Penguin he rent a rooms.But the Penguin he was a wanted.Indeed Penguin
is need stael Diamond for in meseum.Gromit is angry new.The Gromit and Wallace are dodn't happen.
The Gromit and Wallace are catch for Penguin and he go to police.

I like bucues the Gromit he heaped frind and Wallace is happe new.

ahmad alahmadi

Yastarday i watched the vdio in my class . The vdio was Wallace , cromit, and Penguin.
wallace is sleeping. Cromit is drinking. penguin warked at home. The penguin verey dangerous.
Because penguin wanted to take the diamond. The cromit helped wallace.

I like the vdio because verey intersting for my .

Haya A. Al-thiyab

Wallace and his friend lived togather in a nice house . At one morning Wallace recived a lot of bills but the point he dosen't has enough money . Wallce decides rent the extra room to penguin , He doesn't know befor . Unfortuntly the penguin was wanted . He was theif . the penguin controled Wallace . Gromit be too sad becous the new resident burglary on Gromint's room . Gromit leaves house but flowing from far away. At one night the penguin plans and exacutes his plan used Wallace to stol the jwelery was a big daimond from the musiam by the electronic trousers . I like this movie becouse it has a intersting events .

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers

This is Wallace.                    He lives with his friend Gromit.
What is Wallace wearing?

What kind of animal is this? What is his personality like?

Your response: In a new post, write two paragraphs (5-7 sentences each / 10-14 total). In the first paragraph, what happens in the story, The Wrong Trousers? In the second paragraph, do you like the film? Explain why or why not.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Using Our Blog

Students, here are the steps to use our blog.

  1. Send me a quick email at:
  2. I will send you an invitation to join the "team."
  3. You need a Google or gmail account to complete the process.
Let me know if there are any problems because this blog is important for our class!

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Sonoran Desert: Daytime and Nighttime

The Daytime Desert
The Nighttime Desert

1. Look at both links.
2. Choose one animal.
3. Write five new sentences about this animal.
4. Post your sentences in the comments below.