Thursday, June 23, 2011

Haya A. Al-thiyab

Wallace and his friend lived togather in a nice house . At one morning Wallace recived a lot of bills but the point he dosen't has enough money . Wallce decides rent the extra room to penguin , He doesn't know befor . Unfortuntly the penguin was wanted . He was theif . the penguin controled Wallace . Gromit be too sad becous the new resident burglary on Gromint's room . Gromit leaves house but flowing from far away. At one night the penguin plans and exacutes his plan used Wallace to stol the jwelery was a big daimond from the musiam by the electronic trousers . I like this movie becouse it has a intersting events .

1 comment:

NR said...

Dear Haya,
Very good work! I like that you have a lot of detail in your summary of the video. Here are some changes to think about:
1. ...but the point-->but at that point
2. ...He doesn't know ? befor
--What doesn't he know before?
3. Gromit be too sad
--Conjugate "be" to agree with Gromit.
4. ...but flowing from far away.
--Do you mean "following"?
--If you use -ing, remember BE!
5. Please check your spelling with a dictionary. (