Saturday, July 2, 2011

Last Year

Last year I had a good year because I was in high school with my friends. I was happy because my family was close to my and all my friends around me. I can easily visit my friends and my family. I love my family very much and I visit my family and my friends every weekend. Every month we go to the beach with my family. in march, I came to America and I am happy, because I need to study.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

last year

I was in Tibet. I didn't eat vegetables. Because we do not have kind of vegetable food. My mother didn't make food from vegetables. Because she never saw any vegetables. We had two kinds of  meat. It was from yak and sheep.  That meat is very delicious.

Last year

Last year, l living from Riyadh.I was graduated Bachelor of Business Administration.I was eat with my famile or friends.I weak up morning.I was my car chevrolet.I visited Lebanon.

Look who's in the news!

Our classmate, Cairangdaoji, was in the Arizona Star today!

Follow this link to read the article:

My routine last year

In the beginning of the last year I was back home in Saudi Arabia. I was too depressed
and pessimistic becouse I didn't have anything to do .I didn't find a suitable job that made me frustrated. In the end of the last year I got a scholarship that made a huge change in my life that renewed my hope.

MY regular routine every day

 I worke up in the morning . I was taking a shower and then I prayed.
 I went to work after I fineshed , came back home.
 I was lunch with family. We was Watching TV .
 at mid night, I went to bed I was sleeping

fahad abuhetlah

last year1

I was in Tibet. I didn't eat vegetables. Because we do not have kind of vegetable food. My mother didn't make food from vegetables. Because she never saw any vegetables. We had two kinds of  meat. It was from yak and sheep.  That meat is very delicious.

Last year

     In China ,one day I with my family together watched Tv  last year.Suddenly I want with my

mother went to travel. Next we bought a car and we driverd car to  BEI JING. You knew, I

enjoyed travel.

My Routine

Last year I had a good routine. First, I woke up at 6:00 am. Second, I took a shower. Then I brushed my teeth. Next I ate breakfast. I went to King Saud Uiversity (KSU).After that I returned at 5:00 pm . I ate lunch .Then I took a nap . Next I studied my homework . Finally I went to bed at 12:00.

last year

I received the graed and worked and I told my mother and my father and happy togather.The party stayed in this day and was one of the most beautiful of my days participated in this day my friends and happy togather with me. After the party,the father and gave presents on the occasion of my success.I got gread with honrs exellent and looked it was a night to forget.Then I Thought about where to go America and took the university of Arizona.

Last year!

I lived Korea in Inje. Last year, I was a soldier.
My mission was driving for the General. I visited the dividing line because my boss had meeting with another general. I saw the North Korean people. It was interesting in dividing line.


6/30/10 last years,My wife and I came to U.S.U .I was waiting in D.C.that day.Aftar that I went to Denver.

Denver was verey interesting.I lived in Denver for six months.Aftar that I went to Tucson.Tucson was verey nice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Online Listening Practice and Writing

Go to:

Next, click on Audio Slide Show and On to hear and read the conversation. 
After you listen, try the Quizzes for extra practice.
Finally, write 5 to 7 sentences in a paragraph about your routine last year and use the past tense!
Post your paragraph on the class blog.
After you finish your writing, follow these links for grammar practice.
Grammar Practice:

Subject / Verb agreement:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hi every body

Dear my friends
I have some words , it is good when you use it in you're writing .
1-On one hand .
2- On the other hand .
3-Addition to that.
4-Above all.
5- At the same time .
i like it ^_^

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mingfu Han

  Wallace and  Gromit : The wrong Trousers

   In the story, I  want use five Interrogative what ,how when  and where why  to describe what happened .At first Wallace gets to  penguin home it wants to use  penguin to get the diamond  with the remote control Controlled process wrong Trousers are being controlled by the penguin. Whatever penguin has a clever friends of gromit . It's smart to use it to pay the bad guys and eventually regain the friendship.
   I like to watch movies, as a good film can cultivate people's sentimentsIf people boredom can also pass the timeThere are many benefits. So I do like  it .