Friday, July 29, 2011

The Wrong Trousers

There were two frinds lived togather happy life. Suddenly their life was changing.

A new residente come to living with them. He was a bad person. He was a thife. The

penguin used Wallace to stole big dimond from the museum by Letting him wear the

electric trouser. Wallase was changing his way with Gromit. He did not care a bout him.

Gromit was very sad. And he was Leaving the home but he still was watching his best

friend from a distance. One night the penguin made his plann and stole the big dimond

from the museum. But the police caught him at suited time.

I was intersted that many events were like it is in real life. The morie shows that

we shouldn't trust strange people. We need to keep our true frinds.

Last Year

Last year, I worked in Arab National Bank. My daily routine was busy.

I work up at 6 AM. Next, I'd take a shower. Then I would take a short drive

to work. I helped customers with their banking needs. I supervised employees.

At the end of the day, I helped my father in his store. Next, I mould buy a meal

for my family. Finally, my day ended with a meal with my family at home.

Grammar Review for the Final Exam

Click on these links for grammar practice! 

Am, Is or Are

The verb: To be

Subjects and Verbs

Subjects and Verbs

Verb Form 

Scrambled Sentences

Question Words




Subject / Verb agreement:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

An Important Day

Read these instructions first. Then ask questions!
  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Type your paragraph about an important day in your life.
    • 10 sentences
    • Topic Sentence
    • Supporting Sentences 
    • Concluding Sentence
    • Transitions
    • Past Tense (Simple and Progressive)
  3. Format your work:
    • 12 point font, Times New Roman or Arial
    • double-space
    • 1 inch / 2.5cm margins
    • TAB indent
    • Name, Class, Date in the upper left corner
  4. Save your work as a Word file.
  5. Send your file as an attachment to
Extra Time: Online Grammar Practice