Friday, June 24, 2011


I was the wrong trousers .    In this story the charactors are Wallace,  Gromit and Penguin.     The Gromit and Penguin are live in the Wallace house. They also played him money . The Wallace isn't intelligent and good man. Because his first friend is Gromit , but he love the second friend . The second friend isn't good friend . It is very bad . Then his first friend is gone , because he doesn't happy with they are . But the Wallace isn't understand why Gromit is gone . He isn't worry Gromit . The second he is friend is very bad . He wanted take from building the diamond . But he can't do that . Because Gromit and Wallace together come back to fight him and take him  go to prison .  I don't like this movie , because in my mind that man is very very selfish . He doesn't worry his friend<Gromit>.

1 comment:

NR said...

Very good work! I like how you think about the characters and why they do what they do. There are a couple of changes to think about:
1. played or paid?
2. He doesn't happy.. (DO or BE?)
3. Wallace isn't understand... (DO or BE?)