Friday, June 10, 2011

Using Our Blog

Students, here are the steps to use our blog.

  1. Send me a quick email at:
  2. I will send you an invitation to join the "team."
  3. You need a Google or gmail account to complete the process.
Let me know if there are any problems because this blog is important for our class!


Atelier said...

White-winged dove
This is light gray/brown.
Your Habitat Is in Sonora Desert. It's like the sagaro cactus fruit. It's live 10-15 years.

Haya said...

1-Elf Owls is nocturnal bird
2-We can found Elf Owls in the southwest USA to Central Mexico and Baja California.
3- the elf owls They can't see in complete darkness, but they can see quite well in low-light
4-Elf owls nest in natural tree cavities and abandoned woodpecker holes.
5- the Efl Owls are not very aggressive.